Did You Inherit Your Parents' Mindset? Here’s How to Break Free
Step away from ingrained negativity and train your mind to focus on potential and positivity.
Hello, friends,
In the spotlight: Peter Diamandis
In a world where bad news seems to dominate our screens, it’s easy to fall into a trap of cynicism and negativity. The media, after all, knows we’re wired to pay attention to danger. It kept us alive back in the day, but today, it can keep us locked in a cycle of worry.
Here’s something to think about: people who spend hours consuming negative news can experience more emotional trauma than those directly involved in tragic events. Take the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, for instance. A US study suggests that people who watched six hours of news about it experienced greater PTSD symptoms than the runners who were actually there.
So, how do we break free? It all starts with one thing - our mindset.
Often, we inherit our mindset without even realising it. From childhood, we absorb how our parents view the world - their worries, hopes, and beliefs - and these become the foundation of how we see things ourselves. But just because you were given a certain mindset doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it.
If you constantly feed your brain negative stories, you’ll begin to see the world through a lens of fear and limitation. But if you choose to seek out positive, inspiring, and solution-focused content, your brain will start to wire itself for possibility and growth.
Consider this your reminder: guard your mindset. What you consume, who you surround yourself with, and how you choose to see the world all shape your neural pathways. Stop letting the “Crisis News Network” define your reality. Instead, seek abundance, embrace optimism, and watch how your world begins to shift.
The change you're looking for is in your hands,
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